Now guitar.gif   presenting Ceol na nGael.

Béidh aonach - There's a fair
An bhfaca tú mo Shéamuisín - Did you see my Jimmy?
An Chúilfhionn - The Coolin
An Óg-laoch - The Minstrel Boy
+ Bheir mé ó* 
Buachaill ón Éirne - Boy from the Erne
Cill Chais - Kilcash (8.08)
Cailín Deas ag crúite na mBo - A pretty girl milking a cow.
An Cailín Rua - The Red-haired Girl
Ceol An Phíobaire - Music of the Piper
Ceol le Enya - Music by Enya
Donall Bocht Cam - Poor Donall Hunch Back*
Dónal agus Mórag - Donald and Morag
Dornán Tím Allta - A Wild Bunch of Thyme
Fáinne Geal an Lae - Dawning of the Day.
Fartaí Séaids of Grín - Forty Shades of Green
Féach ar An Bogha Báistí - Look to the Rainbow
Fógairt an lae - When the Cock crows it is day
Garrán a' Bhile - Beautiful Kate of Garnavilla
Gort na Saileán - Salley Gardens
Irish National Anthem
Madraín Rua - The Little Red Fox.
Mo Ghile Mear - My Shining Love*speaker
Mol Ní Mhaoileoin - Molly Mallone (8.04)(9.11)
Mol Ní Moll Dubh - Dark Molly
Ná bíodh eagla oraibh - Be not afraid
Níthe i nGloca Móra - Things in Glocca Morra
Neansai, mhile gra - Nancy, my great love
An Páistín Fionn -- The Fair Haired Child
Poc ar buile - Puck goat
Príosún Chluain Meala - The Jail of Clonmel
Príosún Chill Mhaighneann - Kilmainham Jail
Róisín Dubh - Little Dark Rose
Sail Óg Rua - Young Red haired Sally
Santa Lucia
Sliabh na mban - Slievenamon.
Spailpín Fánach - Wandering Farmhand
Siúil a Rún - Go my love
Téir Abhaile - Go home
Toirdhealbhach Ó Cearbhalláin - Turlough O'Carolan
Tiocfaidh an Samhraidh - Summer is coming*
Trasna na dTonnta - Across the Waves*(2003) 10/2011

Courtesy of Vivian & Jack Hennessey IrishPage 2025
Right click on speaker to download song.
* Credit to Ken O'Malley at for these songs.
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