Téir abhaile 'riú ! - Go home with you !


This song was probably sung to tease the young woman who'd been noticed to cast her eyes on the piper more than once during the evening. The girl's father tells her to marry the piper and they argue back and forth. The girl holds her own until the end of the night. Obviously, she has better taste than that and argues him down. This little traditional song appears in Clannad's second album, Clannad 2.

Put your mouse arrow on an the Irish word
to pop-up its translation and phonetics.

Téir abhaile 'riú !
Téir abhaile 'riú !
Téir abhaile 'riú Mháire !
Téir abhaile 'riú 's fan sa bhaile,
Mar tá do mharghadh déanta.

1. Is cuma cé dhein é nó nár dhein.
Is cuma cé dhein é Mháire.
Is cuma cé dhein é nó nár dhein mar.
Tá do mharghadh déanta.

Curfá arís

2. Pós an piobaire.
Pós an piobaire.
Pós an piobaire Mháire.
Pós an piobaire dtús na hoíche.
Is beidh sé agat ar maidin.

Curfá arís

3. Níl mo mhargadh,
Tá do mharghadh,
Níl mo mhardadh déanta,
Tá do mhargadh,
Níl mo mhargadh,
Tá do mhargadh déanta.

Curfá faoi 4

Go home with you !
Go home with you !
Go home with you, Mary !
Go home with you and stay at home,
Because your match is made.

It doesn't matter who made it or who didn't.
It doesn't matter who made it, Mary.
It doesn't matter who made it or who didn't.
Because your match is made.

Repeat Chorus

Marry the piper !
Marry the piper !
Marry the piper, Mary !
Marry the piper early at night,
And you'll have him in the morning.

Repeat Chorus

My match isn't.
Your match is.
My match isn't made.
Your match is,
My match isn't.
Your match is made.

Chorus 4 x

bagpipe notes

bagpipe notes

Courtesy of Vivian and Jack Hennessey, IrishPage.com April, 2025
'riú is an interjection meaning however
There is no music available for this song
So our substitution is Kerry Dances.
This little song is written in the Munster dialect.
Translation into English by David Manning and Éamonn Ó Dónaill.

Filleadh go indeacs
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