Bean Ó Conchubhair - Mrs. O'Connor
"Molly of the merry speech"
O'Connor Family Crest
The most likely subject of this tune is Maurice O'Connor's wife. Carolan was so intimate with Maurice that it is fairly certain that he composed a piece for his lady. Maurice left Ireland around 1700 to earn his fortune in England. He made his fortune at the English bar. The penal laws excluded Catholics from the legal profession in England as well as Ireland, and so he became Protestant; but his subsequent actions leave little room for doubt that his change of religion was not due to conviction but to expediency. Carolan calls Mrs. O'Connor, Maili na ráite suairce - Molly of the merry speech. ... O'Sullivan v 2 p 75.
Notations are courtesy of Carolan, the Life and Times of an Irish Harper by Dónal O'Sullivan vol 1 pg. 226 Celtic Music Edition 1983.
Replay background music: Mrs. O'Connor
sequenced by Mike Lydiat, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, UK.
Courtesy of Vivian and Jack Hennessey,, 2025.
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