Dúanaire Adam & Eve  1600 - 1900: Poems of the Dispossessed.

Cill Chais - Kilcash
Príosún Chluain Meala - Jail of Clonmell
Ag Críost an Síol - To Christ the Seed
Tú féin is mé féin - Yourself and myself
An Phaidir Gheal - The Bright Prayer

The primary purpose of An Duanaire is to demonstrate
the nature and quality of the Irish poetic tradition
during the troubled centuries from the collapse of the Gaelic order
to the emergence of English as the dominant vernacular of the Irish people.
Thomas Kinsella's English translations, all new, aim at a close
fidelity to the content of the originals, while suggesting something
of the poetic quality, and the basic rhythms,
of the original Irish poems.

English translations by Thomas Kinsella 1981, 1985, 1990, 1994.
An Duanaire 1600 - 1900: Poems of the Dispossessed, A Dolman Press Book
Courtesy of Vivian & Jack Hennessey
IrishPage.com 2025
Background Music: Go lassie go.

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