Click on each of the blue lines to hear the pronunciation.
the artichoke - an bliosán Bhí an bliosán sean. The artichoke was old. .
the cabbage - an cabáiste Ní maith le Marcas cabáiste. Mark doesn't like cabbage .
the lettuce- an leitis Cheannaigh mé leitís ag an tsiopa. I bought lettuce at the shop. .
the mushroom - an muisiriún Níl ach aon mhuisiriún amháin ann. There is only one mushroom. .
the onion - an t-oinniún An bhfuil oinniún agat? Do you have an onion?
the rice - an rís Níl rís ar bith ann. There is no rice. the salad - an Sailáid An mbeidh saláid agat? Would you like a salad? |
The words, sentences and recorded pronunciation are the property of TalkIrish. The choice of clipart is the work of IrishPage.com. Special thanks to Michelle Gallen, the founder of TalkIrish for allowing us to use the recordings. We encourage you to visit TalkIrish.com for a wealth of additional words, pronunciation and learning aids, |
Courtesy of Vivian and Jack IrishPage.com , Sep. 2025 Recordings courtesy of TalkIrish.com |