Chef presenting the dessert tray
Click on each of the blue lines to hear the pronunciation.
the biscuit - an Briosca D’ith sí an briosca. She ate the biscuit.
the cake - an císte Níor ith mé an císte. I did not eat the cake.
the Chocolate an tSeacláid Níl seacláid ar bith ann There is no chocolate.
the doughnut - an taoschnó An bhfuil taoschnó seacláide agat? Do you have a chocolate doughnut?
The Ice-Cream - an t-uachtar reoite Is breá leis uachtar reoite. He loves ice cream.
the pie - an Phíog Is maith liom pióg úll agus uachtar reoite. I like apple pie and ice cream.
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Courtesy of Vivian and Jack , June 2025 Recordings courtesy of |