Click on each of the blue lines to hear the pronunciation.
the barbecue an barbaiciú Is maith le m’athair beárbiciúnna. My father likes barbecues.
an t-Arán Ba mhaith liom níos mó arán a ithe. I want more bread
Cheese - Cáis
the milk - an bainne Ba mhaith liom gloine bainne. I want a glass of milk.
the coffee - an caife An dtabharfá caife dom le do thoil? Can I have a coffee please?
The Hamburger - an Borgaire Bhí an borgaire mór súmhar. The burger was big and juicy.
an Fheoil Ní itheann sí feoil. She does not eat meat.
an Ceapaire An mbeidh ceapaire agat? Would you like a sandwich?
the tea - an Tae Ba maith liom cupán tae. I would like a cup of tea.
The words, sentences and recorded pronunciation are the property of TalkIrish. The choice of clipart is the work of IrishPage.com. Special thanks to Michelle Gallen, the founder of TalkIrish for allowing us to use the recordings. We encourage you to visit TalkIrish.com for a wealth of additional words, pronunciation and learning aids, |
Courtesy of Vivian and Jack IrishPage.com , Sep. 2025 Recordings courtesy of TalkIrish.com |