<bgsound src="../midi/punch.mid" loop="1"> <
An Gabha -- The Blacksmith

Gabha ag obair ag an Inneoin
Blacksmith working at the anvil.

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Bhí sean nós ag na dhaoine fadó dul go dtí an gabha chun fiacail a tharraingt ó is aige seisean a bhí na maide briste.

The people long ago had a custom of going to the blacksmith to have a tooth pulled since he had the tongs.

Úair amháin chuig fear go dtí an cearta agus d'íarr sé ar an ngabha fiacail den a chuid a tharraingt amach ar son Dé ó bhí pian millteanach aige agus thaispeán sé an fiacail lofa dó.

One time a man went to the forge [1]and asked the blacksmith to pull out one of his teeth, in the name of God, because he had a terrible pain and he showed him the bad tooth.

" Gan amhras a bhuachaill ! Beidh an diabhal sin amach agam gan aon mhoill !", arsa an gabha.

"Of course my boy ! I'll have that divil out without any delay !", said the Blacksmith.
An modh oibre do bhios aige na greim a fháil ar an bhfiacail lena mhaide briste - agus ag an am céanna bhí píosa iarrainn ag eirí dearg sa tine aige. Go tobann bhíodh an píosa iarrainn dearg tótha amach í greim mhaide briste eile aige agus é curtha go direach os chomair aghaidh an fhir bhoicht amach.

Dar ndóigh léim seisean ar gcúl le neart scanradh agus bhí an beart déanta ... agus bhíodh an fiacail amach í ngreim an ghabha.. Ar an lá seo, thóg sé greim daingeann ar an fhíacail agus í gcéann noméad bhí an fear bocht ag léim agus ag rince timpeall na háite agus é ag beiceadh agus ag caitheamh fuil ar an dtalamh ...

The method he had was to get a grip on the tooth with his tongs - and at the same time he would have a piece of iron reddening in the fire. Suddenly, that piece of iron would be taken out in the grip of another pair of tongs and it would be thrust immediately in front of the poor man's face.

Of course he jumped back with terror and the job was done. The tooth was out in the grip of the blacksmith's tongs. On this day he took a firm grip on the poor man's tooth and in a moment the man was jumping and dancing around the place, spitting blood on the ground and roaring ...


"You DIVIL !!" he said after a while, "YOU PULLED OUT THE WRONG TOOTH !! "

"Ó tá fhios mhaith agam, a mhac" dúirt an gabha ... Ní ráibh mé ach ag réiteach chuige !"

"Oh, I know that well, my son, said the blacksmith ... I was only clearing the way so I could get at the right one !"

The Phonetics on this page were done by a student of Irish. For official phonetics consult Foclóir Scoile.

[1] A forge is the workplace of a blacksmith. A forge is sometimes referred to as a smithy. The basic smithy contains a forge, also known as a hearth, for heating metals. The forge heats the workpiece to a temperature where softening occurs. The workpiece is transported to and from the forge using tongs.

Courtesy of Jack & Vivian, IrishPage.com Jan. 2024
Replay backgrond music: A Bottle of Punch. ...sequencer unknown.
Scéilín ó Caoimhghín Ó Brolcháin
Foghraiocht ó Seán Ó hAonaghasa

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