o bhí rí mór i gCúige Mumhan fadó gur b'é ainm a
bhí air rí Conchubhar. Do bhí sé pósta agus do
bhí triúr inghean aige nuair a chailleadh a bhean. Do bhí sé
ana-bhuartha i ndiadh a mná acht do bhí aon cúmpórd
amháin aige, a thriúr inghean go raibh sé lán de chionn ortha.
Is iad na hainmneacha a bhí ortha Gile na Gréine ar an gceann ba shine agus
áilleacht ar an dara duine. Bláth an t-ainm a bhí ar and nduine ba
óige. Do thug a n-athair suas iad fé mar a tiubharfaidhe clann aon rí
chun go dti gur éirgheadar suas n-a mnáibh.
1. Long ago there was a great king in Munster and his name was King Connor. He lived very
happily until his wife died and he was left with three little daughters to look after and
he loved them dearly. Their names were Brightness, for the eldest and the second was called
Beauty and the name of the youngest was Flower. Their father brought them up as the children
of any king would be until they were young women.
2. Dúirt rí Conchubhar leis féin aon lá amhain gurb mhór
an smaoineamh posadh arís eile. Gan amhras, beidh na mná óga seo ag
fáil chéile dóibh féin lá eigin sar i bhfad agus beidh
mise ar m'aonar gan aoinne chun blúire le n-ithe nó an chor-leine a ní
dom....chonnaic sé go mbeadh trioblóidí i ndonn dó nuair nach
mbeadh ach seisean leis féin sa teach agus é ag éiri aosta.
D'éirigh sé imníoch go dtiochfaidh duine eigin chun iad a ghoid uaidh
mar gheall ar a n-áilleacht. Bhí fhios maith aige da mbeadh bean chéile
nua aige go mbeadh an diabhal le n-íoch sa teach. Nach raibh fhios ag an domhan
mhór ná raibh ach ide béil idir leasiníon agus leasmhathair
2. King Connor said to himself one day that it would be a good idea if he got married again.
Humph!, he thought, “Those young ladies will be getting married themselves some day and I
will be left all alone without any company and be no-one to look after the house and cook a
bit of dinner or iron the odd shirt for me... He saw that there would be troubles in store
for him when he would be alone in the house and he growing old. He grew fearful that
someone would come and steal them from him because of their beauty. He knew that if he got
a new wife there would be the divil to pay because everyone knew that stepdaughter and
stepmother never had anything but rows.
3. Dhéin sé a aigne suas caisleán mór árd a
dhéanamh i bhfuirm túir in ait uaignigh, choilltigh tamall ón
gcúirt agus é a shocriú le trioscán agus gach aon ní
chun beatha compórdach deas a thabhairt dóibh. Nuair a bheadh gach ní
ullamh rachaidh a thriúr iníon istigh ann, áit ina mbeadh siad
slán, sabhálta. Sin mar do dhéin sé agus dúirt sé
leo gan aon imní bheith ortha ó bhí an t-aon eochar amhain do dhoras an
thúir árd aige seisean agus nach mbeadh aoinne eile abalta dul isteach ann
gan chead.
3. He decided that the best thing would be to build a high tower in a lonely place in the
woods a long way from the palace. He would put grand furniture into it and have beautiful
carpets in every room, indeed everything high-born young ladies could desire for a
comfortable life. When it was all finished he would put his darling daughters in there where
they would be safe and sound. So that is what he did and he told them that they need have no
fear because he had the only key to the door of the high tower.
4. Nuair a d'fhíafraigh na cailíni cén fáth a bhí
sé á chur siad fé ghlás in a léitheid d'áit i
bhfad ón domhan mhór, d'innis sé dóibh go raibh imní air
go dtiochfaidh fuadaitheóir éigint chun iad a thógaint uaidh mar
bhí cáil a n-áilleacht ar fud éirin. Dá thit rud mar sin
amach gheobhfaidh sé bás le neart bhróin acht níor innis
sé dhóibh go raibh sé chun pósadh i n-aon chor le heagla go
gcuirfeadh sé aon buairt ortha.
4. When the beautiful princesses asked him why he was locking them up in such a place far
from anywhere, he told them that he as afraid someone might come and steal them away,
because the fame of their beauty was spreading all over Ireland. If such a thing happened
he just knew that he would die with sorrow soon after. Of course he did not tell them that
he was thinking of getting married again for fear that they might be upset.
5. Dhúirt an Bhanphrionsa Bhlath leis, agus í ag goll, Béimid-ne
fé ghlas annso anois go brách má imthigheann aoinní ort-sa,
agus ma bheidh tú breóite ní fhéadfimid dul ad fhiosrú.
á, ní gá dhibh, arsa an t-athair,”aon bhuairt a bheith oraibh mar
gheall ormsa. Agus cad a dhéanfimíd gan bia sa tigh seo nó cé
thúirfidh chugainn é? arsa duine aca. Ará, nach mbeadh mé ar
leach an dorais gach aon la ó seo amach chun bia a thabhairt dhibh...Ná biodh
aon imní oraibh. arsa an rí go tapaidh mar thuig sé go raibh sé
ag cailliúnt an argóint.
5. Princess Flower, who was the youngest and the prettiest and cleverest daughter, began to
weep. She said, We'll be under lock and key there now and for ever and if anything should
happen to you or... Oh now ! There's no need for you to worry your pretty little heads
about me ! said the king quickly, before she could think of any more objections, It'll be
all right. But! said Princess Flower, What will we do for food in that place, or how will
you supply us with it ? NOW,NOW,NOW! said King Connor, who felt that he was losing the
argument. Won't I come EVERY DAY myself to see you and bring you food !
6. Dhúirt an Bhanphrionsa Bhlath leis, agus í ag goll, “Béimid-ne
fé ghlas annso anois go brách má imthigheann aoinní ort-sa,
agus ma bheidh tú breóite ní fhéadfimid dul ad fhiosrú.
á, ní gá dhibh, arsa an t-athair,”aon bhuairt a bheith oraibh mar
gheall ormsa. Agus cad a dhéanfimíd gan bia sa tigh seo nó
cé thúirfidh chugainn é? arsa duine aca. Ará, nach mbeadh
mé ar leach an dorais gach aon la ó seo amach chun bia a thabhairt dhibh...
Ná biodh aon imní oraibh.” arsa an rí go tapaidh mar thuig sé
go raibh sé ag cailliúnt an argóint.
6. Princess Flower, who was the youngest and prettiest and cleverest daughter began to
weep and she said to him. "We'll be under lock and key now and forever and if anything
happens to you or..." "Oh now there's no need for you to worry your pretty little heads
about me !" said the king quickly before she could think of any more objections." I'll be
all right" but" said Princess Flower, what willl we do for food in that place, or how will
you supply us with it ?" "NOW, NOW, NOW!" said king Connor, who felt that he was losing
the argument. "Won't I come EVERY DAY myself to see you and bring you food ?"
7. Thug sé go dti an tuirm iad agus chonnaic sé go raibh siad go compórdach ann agus
thug sé póg do gach aoinne aca agus d'fhág slán aca sar a d'imthigh sé abhaile leis
féin. Agus sin mar a bhí an scéal... go dti go phósadh an rí don dára uair. Níor
innis sé faich don bhean uasal nua chór ar bith faoi na mnaphrionsaí... agus ba mhaith
nár innis, mar bhí an bhean chéile nua ina BHANDRAOI !
7. So he took them to the tower and saw them settled in and kissed them goodbye and left
them. And that's how the story was... until the king married again. Of course, he didn't
tell his new wife about the princesses at all - and it was a very good thing that he did
not, because the new queen was a WITCH !
to be continued