120 Micheál Ó Conchubhair - Mike O'Connor 2
Micheál Ó Conchubhair - Mike O'Connor 1

Family Crest of O' Connor
O'Connor Family Crest

There is no Michael O'Connor in the pedigree of the O'Conors of Belanagare or in that of the O'Connors of Offaly. But on the back page of one of Charles O'Conor's diaries there is a poem in praise of his mother after which is written 'Michaél O Conchubhair cct 1728.' It is possible that the author of this poem is the subject of the present tune. ...Dónal O'Sullivan 2024 1 vol. edition p. 268.

Notations: Carolan, the Life and Times of a Irish Harper by Donal O'Sullivan
Compliments of Vivian and Jack Hennessey, IrishPage.com 2024
For phonetics consult the pocket dictionary Fóclóir Póca.

Replay background music: Michael O'Connor 2

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