by Hugh MacGauran, music by Carolan Pléaráca na Ruarcach i gcuimhne gach uile dhuine Dhá dtiocfaidh is dá dtáinic is dá maireann go fóill. Seacht bhfichid muc, mart agus caora Dhá gcasgairt don ghasraidh gach aon lá.
Ceád páil uisce bheatha is na meadra dhá líonadh,
Chaill mé mo bhaireád, m'fhileád,
by Dean Jonathan Swift O'Rourke's noble fare - Will ne'er be forgot By those who were there - Or those who were not. His revels to keep, - We sup and we dine On seven score sheep, Fat bullocks and swine
Usequebaugh to our feast - In pails was brought up,
O how I was trick'd! - My pipe it was broke,
Come, harper, strike up; - But, first, by your favour,
Courtesy of Jack & Vivian Hennessey, IrishPage May 2025
Irish Text: Carolan, the Life and times of an Irish Harper
by Donal O'Sullivan, 1958 Vol 2 pg 119 No 199.
Replay background music: O'Rourke's Feast
sequenced by Mike Lydiat, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, UK.