Éamonn Doduel - Edward Dodwell

Family Crest

Nothing is known of Edward Dodwell of whom this poem is written. It is in Carolan's usual style, descripive of a pleasant tempered affable gentleman.

This poem was printed for the first time in O'Maille's 1916 collection. Nothing is known of Edward Dodwell except that he had a facility for social drinking. Dodwell is still unmarried when this poem was written. The melody is published by Bunting, O'Neill etc.

1. Go mbu slán fá bhruach an chuain,
Mur bfhuiol an suairc-fhear Éadurt
Doduel sáimh nach gnáth fá ghruaim,
Oidhche ná lo,

2. Comhrádh sáimh a's ráite cliste,
Chuirfeadh sé cách stáll air misge;
Is móide má/dhbhar aig mársáil aige
A's déanfad go bráth.

3. Croidhe gan sdró i stuaim 'sa dtuigse,
Planda uasal, lúthmhar, meisneamhail,
Súd mar tá sé, fáilteach, súgach,
A's go bhfuil an choige lán dá ghrádh.

4. Nach mór an sgéal é luighe leis féin,
A's na milte spéir-bhan mhúinte bhéasach
Súil ré Éadurt theacht dá bhfeuchaint
'Tabhairt pléasúir dóibh.


Irish Lyrics: Abhráin Chearbhalláin le Tomás Ó Máille 1916 leath. 141, uimh. 27.
Notations: Dónal O'Sullivan, Life and Times of an Irish Harper.
For phonetics consult the pocket dictionary Fóclóir Póca
Replay midi music Edmond Dodwell
Courtesy of IrishPage.com, Vivian and Jack.

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