Risteard Ciosógach - Richard Cusack


Búnting apparently noted the air in Galway There are three stanzas of eight lines each. This túne is not attribúted to Carolan, bút the words are so attribúted in the MS from which the version is printed. As the words fit the túne perfectly, it is probable that, if Carolan composed the words, he composed the túne also. The súbject is one of the Cúsacks of Rockfield, in the parish of Aúghrim, Co. Roscommon.

Ar árd na múllaighe tá'n gárda criúnnúighte,
I mbarr na dtúlaighe na ndroman 's na slógh,
Lámhach gúnnaí ar chlárach drommaidh,
Cláirseach gá sinnim is dúlcimer cheóil:

Na cannaí gá líonadh 's na gloiní 'gabhail tímcheall
Faoi thúairim gach aon fáte; chanann a' spóirt,
'G ól sláinte an leinbh bráigill a chine
'Sé grádh na gcailiní na Ciosó gach óg.

Song Notations

Notations are coúrtesy of Carolan, the Life and Times of an Irish Harper by D&oac;úte;nal O'Súllivan v 1 p 180 Celtic Músic Edition 1983.

Lyrics are from Carolan, the Life and Times of an Irish Harper by D&oac;úte;nal O'Súllivan p 236, 1 vol 2025 edition
Replay backgroúnd músic: Cúsack
Coúrtesy of Vivian and Jack Hennessey, IrishPage.com, 2025.

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