An tAifreann - The Mass
  • Iomann - Hymn
  • Beannú - Blessing
  • Fhaoistin - Confiteor
  • Kyrie Eleison
  • Glóir - Gloria
  • Urnaí - Prayer
  • Leachta - Reading
  • Salm - Psalm
  • Soiscéal - Gospel
  • Aitheasc - Homily
  • Cré - Creed
  • Paidir - Prayer
  • Iomann - Hymn
This picture is from a lithograph in a late 19th century book entitled Almanac of Ireland. It is of a mass celebrated on a mountain. The mass was outlawed in Ireland under the penal laws. Just as the early Christians had mass in the catecombs, the Catholics of Ireland celebrated mass on a mass rock in the mountains and in other places where they would be safe.

  • Ofráil - Offertory
  • Urnaí - Prayer
  • Preafáid - Preface
  • Sanctus - Sanctas
  • Conónach - Canon
  • Ár nAthair - Lord's Prayer
  • Siocáin - Peace
  • Uan Dé - Lamb of God
  • Comaoineach - Communion
  • Iomann - Hymn
  • Paidir - Prayer
  • Deiridh Last Blessing
  • Iomann - Hymn

Liotúirge an Bhriathair - Liturgy of the Word

Beannú agus Fáilte -- Blessing and Greeting

Sagart:+ In ainm an Athar agus an Mhic
agus an Spioraid Naoimh.
Pobal: ámén.

Sagart: Grásta ár dTiarna íosa Críost agus grá Dé agus cumann an Spioraid Naoimh libh go léir.
Pobal: Agus leat féin.

Priest: + In the name of the Father and of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit.
People: Amen.

Priest:The grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.
People: And with yourself.

Fhaoistin - Confession of Sins

Christ rescues sinner Sagart: A Bráithe, tugaimis ár bpeacaí chun cuimhne go mb'fhiú sinn an tAifreann a cheuliúradh.

Sagart & Pobal: Admhaím do Dhia uilechumhachtach agus daoibhse, a bhráithe, gur pheacaigh mé go trom le smaoineamh agus le briathar, le ghíomh agus le faillí, trí mo choir féin, trí mo choir féin, trí mo mhórchoir féin. Ar an ábhar sin, impím ar Naomh Mhuire síorÓgh, ar na haingil agus ar na naoimh, agus oraibhse, a bhráithre, guí ar mo shon chun an Tiarna Dia.

Go ndéana Dia uilechumhachtach trócaire orainn, go maithe sé ár bpeacaí dúinn, agus go dtreoaí sé chun na beatha sioraí sinn.
Pobal: Áméin.

Priest: Brethren, to prepare ourselves to celebrate Mass, let us call to mind our sins.

Priest & People: I confess to almighty God and to you my brethren that I have sinned deeply in thought and word, in what I have done and what I have failed to do, through my fault, through my fault, through my most grevious fault. Therefore I beseech Blessed Mary ever Virgin, the angels and saints and you my brethren to pray for me to the Lord God.

May almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sins and bring us to life everlasting.
People: Amen.

Kyrie Eleison

Sagart: A Thiarna déan trócaire.
Pobal: A Thiarna déan trócaire.
Sagart: A Chríost déan trócaire.
Pobal: A Chríost déan trócaire.
Sagart: A Thiarna déan trócaire.
Pobal: A Thiarna déan trócaire.

Priest: Lord, have mercy.
People: Lord, have mercy.
Priest: Christ, have mercy.
People: Christ, have mercy.
Priest: Lord, have mercy.
People: Lord, have mercy.

An Ghlóir: -- The Gloria

Angel Glóir do Dhia sna harda
Agus ar talamh síocháin do lucht a pháirte.
Molaimid thú. Móraimid thú. Adhraimid thú.
Tugaimid glóir duit.
Gabhaimid buíochas leat as ucht do mhórghlóire.
A Thiarna Dia, a Rí na bhflaitheas,
A Dhia, a Athair uilechumhachtaigh,
A Thiarna, a Aon-Mhic, a Íosa Críost.
A Thiarna Dia, a Uain Dé, Mac an Athar.
Tusa, a thógann peacaí an domhain,
déan trócaire orainn.
Tusa a thógann peacaí an domhain, glac lenár nguí.
Tusa atá i do shuí ar dheis an Athar, déan trócaire orainn.
Oir is tú amháin is naofa. Is tú amháin is Tiarna.
Is tú amháin is ró-ard, a Íosa Críost,
mar aon leis an Spiorad Naomh i nglóir Dé an tAthair.
Glory to God in the highest
And peace to his people on earth.
Lord God, heavenly King,
almighty God and Father
we worship you,
we give you thanks,
we praise you for your glory. Lord Jesus Christ,
only Son of the Father,
Lord God, Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world: have mercy on us; you are seated at the right hand of the Father
receive our prayer.
For you alone are the Holy One
You alone are the Lord,
you alone are the Most High,
Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit,
in the glory of God the Father.

An Urnaí - Opening Prayer

Sagart: Guímis ..........trí Íosa Críost, ár dTiarna.
Pobal: Áméin.

Priest: Let us pray ....... ... through Jesus Christ,our Lord.
People: Amen

An chéad léachta - The first reading.

Lectionary Léachtóir: Léitheoireacht as Leabhar .....
Teacs anseo ..................
Léachtóir: Sin é Briathar Dé
Pobal: Buíchas le Dia.

Lector: A reading from the book of .....
Text here ..................
Lector: This is the Word of the Lord.
People: Thanks be to God.

An dara léachta - The second reading.

Léachtóir: Léitheoireacht as Litir .....
Teacs anseo ..................
Léachtóir: Sin é Briathar Dé
Pobal: Buíchas le Dia.

Lector: A reading from the letter of .....
Text here ..................
Lector: This is the Word of the Lord.
People: Thanks be to God.

An Soiscéal - The Gospel.

Sagart: Go raibh an Tiarna libh
Pobal: Agus leat féin.
Sagart: Sliochta as an Soiscéal naofa de reír .....
Pobal: Glóir duit, a Thiarna
Teacs anseo ....................
Sagart: Sin é Soiscéal Dé.
Pobal: Moladh duit, a Chríost.

Priest: The Lord be with you.
People: And with you yourself.
Priest: A selection from the holy Gospel according
People: Glory to you, O Lord
Text here .........................
Priest: This is the Gospel of the Lord.
People: Praise to you, O Christ.

An Chré - The Creed

Sagart agus Pobal: Creidim in aon Dia amháin, an tAithair uilechumh-achtach a rinne neamh agus talamh agus an uile ní sofheicthe agus dofheicthe, agus in aon Tiarna amháin, Íosa Críost, Aon-Mhac Dé, an té a rugadh ón Athair sula raibh aon saol ann, Dia ó Dhia, solas ó sholas, fíorDhia ó fhíorDhia; an té a gineadh agus nach ndearnadh, agus atá d’aon substaint leis an Athair; is tríd a rinneadh an uile ní. Ar ár son-na an cine daonna, agus ar son ár slánaithe, thuirling sé ó neamh.

Priest & People: I believe in one God, the Father
almighty, maker of heaven and earth and of all things seen and unseen, and in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only son of God, eternally begotten of the Father, God from God, light from light, true God from true God, begotten not made, one in being with the Father. Through him all things were made, for us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven.

Ionchllaíodh le cumhacht an Spioraid Naoimh é i mbroinn na Maighdine Muire agus ghlac sé nádúr daonna.

By the power of the Holy Spirit he was born of the Virgin Mary and became man.

Céasadh ar an gcrois é freisin ar ár son; d’fhulaing sé páis faoi Phontius Píoláit agus adhlacadh é. D’aiséirigh an treas lá de réir na scrioptúr; chuaigh suas ar neamh; tá ina shuí ar dheis an Athar. Tiocfaidh sé an athuair faoi ghlóir le breithiúnas a thabhairt ar bheo agus ar mhairbh, agus ni bheidh deireadh lena ríocht.

For our sake he ws crucified under Pontius Pilate; He suffered, died, and was buried. On the third day he rose again in fulfillment of the Scriptures. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, And his kingdom will have no end.

Creidim sa Spioraid Naomh, Tiarna agus bronntóir na beatha, an té a ghluaiseann ón Athair agus ón Mac. Tugtar dó adhradh agus glóir mar aon leis an Athair agus leis an Mac: is é a labhair trí na fáithe. Creidim san aon Eaglais naofa, chaitliceach, aspalda. Admhaím an t-aon bhaisteadh amháin chun maithiúnas na bpeacaí. Agus táim ag súil le haiséirí na marbh agus le beatha an tsaoil atá le teacht. Áméin

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son. With the Father and Son he is worshipped and glorified. He has spoken through the prophets. I believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church. We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins. We look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Amen.

Liotúirge Na hEochairiste - Liturgy of the Eucharist

An Ofráil

Sagart: Is beannaithe thú a thiarna, a Dhia na cruinne mar gur bhronn tú orainn an t-arán seo a ofrálaimid duit. An talamh agus saothar an duine a thugann é mar thoradh agus déanfar de arán na beatha dúinn.

Pobal: Moladh go deo le Dia.

Sagart: Is beannaithe thú a thiarna, a Dhia na cruinne mar gur bhronn tú orainn an fíon seo a ofrálaimid duit. An talamh agus saothar an duine a thugann é mar thoradh agus déanfar de deoch spioradálta dúinn.

Pobal: Moladh go deo le Dia.

Priest: Blessed are you, O Lord God of all creation' Through your goodness we have this bread to offer, which earth has given and human hands have made. It will become for us the bread of life.

Pobal: Blessed be God forever.

Priest: Blessed are you, O Lord God of all creation for through your goodness we have this wine to offer, fruit of the vine and the work of human hands. It will become our spiritual drink.

Pobal: Blessed be God forever.

Sagart: Guígí, a bhráithre, go nglaca Dia an tAthair uilechumh-achtach leis an íobairt se uaimse agus uaibhse.

Pobal: Go nglaca an Tiarna leis an íobairt seo ó do lámha chun onóra agus glóire a ainm, agus chun sochair dúinn agus dá naomhEaglais uile. Ámén

Priest: Pray brethren that our sacrifice may be acceptable to God the almighty Father.

People: May the Lord accept the sacrifice from your hand for the praise and glory of his name for our good and that of all his holy church. Amen

An Urnaí os cionn na Nofrálacha - The Prayer over the Gifts

Sagart: Guímis ..........trí Íosa Críost, ár dTiarna.
Pobal: Áméin.

Priest: Let us pray ....... ... through Jesus Christ,our Lord.
People: Amen

An Phreafáid - The Preface

Sagart: Go raibh an Tiarna libh.
Pobal: Agus leat féin.

Sagart:Tógaigí bhur gcroíthe in airde.
Pobal: Tá siad tógtha in airde chun an Tiarna againn.

Sagart: Gabhaimid buíochas leis an Tiarna Dia.
Pobal: Is ceart agus is cóir sin.

Sagart: Is ceart agus is cóir duinn, go deimhin, is cuí agus is tairbheach, buíochas a ghabháil leat de shíor agus i ngach áit, a Thiarna, a Athair naofa, a Dhia uilechumhachtaigh shíoraí, trí Chríost ár dTiarna. Lena theacht ar an saol rinne seisean ionracas an duine a athnuachan; lena pháis scrios sé ár bpeacai; ag aiséiri ó mhairbh dó, réitigh sé an bealach chun na beatha siorai duinn; agus ag dul suas ar do dheasláimh dó, chuir sé doirse na bhflaitheas ar leathadh romhainn. Uime sin, mar aon leis na hAingil agus na Naoimh go léir, gabhaimid iomann molta duit a rá gan stad:

Priest: The Lord be with you.
People: And with yourself.

Priest: Lift up your hearts.
People: We have them lifted up to the Lord.

Priest: Let us give thanks to the Lord, our God.
People: It is right to give him thanks and praise.

Priest: It is truly right and just, it is our duty and our salvation, always and everywhere to give you our thanks, Lord, holy Father, almighty and eternal God through Christ, our Lord. By his coming into the world, he renewed man in righteousness By his passion, he took away our sins By rising fom the dead, he opened the way to eternal life By going up to your right hand. he put a door of heaven before us And so with all the angels and saints, we proclaim your glory and forever sing:

Pobal: Is naofa, naofa, naofa thú, a Thiarna Dia na slua. Tá neamh agus talamh lán de do ghlóir. Hosanna sna harda. Is beannaithe an té atá ag teacht in ainm an Tiarna. Hosanna sna harda.

People: Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of hosts. Heaven and earth are full of your glory. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest.

Pope preparing for mass in his private chapel

John Paul II prepares for daily mass in his private chapel at the Vatican.

Paidir Eocairisteach 3 - Eucharistic Prayer 3

Sacramentary A Dia, is tú amháin is naofa. Gach ar chruthaigh ftú molann siad thú mar is dual duit. Déanann tú gach rud a bheochan agus a naomhú, le cumhacht an Spioraid Naoimh, trí do mhac, ár dTiarna, Íosa Criost, agus bionn tú de shíor ag bailiú chugat féin, ionas go mbeadh iobairt ghlan á hofráil do d’ainm, o éiri go luí na gréine.

Impímid go humhal ort, dá bhri sin, a Thiarna, na tabhartais seo atá tugtha i do láthair againn le coisreacan duit tríd an Spiorad céanna, ionas go ndéanfaí díobh Corp agus Fuil do Mhic, ár dTiarna, Íosa Críost; mar is le hordú uaidh a cheiliúraimid na rúndiamhra seo.

An oiche ar tugadh suas é thóg sé an t-arán, ghabh sé buíochas leat, thug moladh duit, bhris an t-arán agus thug dá dheisceabail é a rá:

O God, you are holy indeed, and all creation rightly gives you praise. All life, all holiness comes from you through your son, Jesus Christ, our Lord, by the working of the Holy Spirit. From age to age you gather a people to yourself, so that from east to west a perfect offering may be made to the glory of your name.

And so Father we bring you these gifts. We ask you to make them holy by the power of your Spirit, that they may become the body and blood of your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, at whose command we celebrate this eucharist.

On the night he was betrayed, He took bread and gave you thanks. He broke the bread, gave it to his disciples and said:



Ar an gcaoi chéanna, tar éis an tsuipéir, thóg sé an challis, ghabh sé buíochas leat arís, mhol thú, thug dá dheisceabail í, á rá:



When supper was ended, he took the chlice. Again he gave you thanks and praise, gave the chalice to his disciples, and said:



Rúndhimhair an Chreidimh - Mystery of Faith

Sagart: Fógraímis rúndhimhair an chreidimh Priest: Let us proclaim the mystery of faith.
Pobal: A Íosa, fuair tú bás; ar á son; d'éirigh tú ó na mairbh; tiocfaidh tú arís.

Sagart: Dá réir sin, a Thiarna Dia, cuimhnímid ar pháis do Mhic a shlánaigh sinn, ar a aiséirí glórmhar agus ar a dheascabáil chun na bhflaitheas. Agus ofrálaimid duit, mar chomhartha buíochais, an iobairt bheo naofa seo, agus sinn ag feitheamh go muiníneach lena theacht athuair.

People: Jesus you died for our sake You rose from the dead You will come again.

Priest:Father calling to mind the death your Son endured for our salvation, his glorious resurrection and ascension into heaven, and ready to greet him when he comes again we offer you in thanksgiving this holy and living sacrifice

Féach anuas, impimid ort, ar iobairt na hEaglaise: Is eol duit gurb é seo an Chríost céanna, ar ghlac tú lena bhás in éiric ár bpeacaí. Tabhair dúinn, dá bhrí sin, go líonfar den Spiorad Naomh sinne atá dar gcothú le Corp agus le Fuil do Mhic, agus go ndéantar dínn aon chorp amháin agus aon spiorad amháin i gCríost.

Look with favor on your church's offering, and see the Victim whose death has reconciled us to yourself. Grant that we, who are nourished by his body and blood, may be filled with his Holy Spirit, and become one body, one spirit in Christ.

Go ndéana seisean dínn tabhartas foirfe síoraí duitse, a Dhia, ionas go n-éireoidh linn an oidhreacht a bhaint amach i gcuideachta na naomh: sa chéad áit, an Mhaighdean Bheannaithe, Muire Máthair Dé, d’Aspail naofa agus do Mhairtirigh ghlórmhara, Naomh Peadar, agus na naoimh uile. May he make us an everylasting gift to you and enable us to share in the inheritance of your saints, with Mary, the Virgin Mother of God; with the apostles, the martyrs, and all your saints on whose constant intercession we rely for help.
Tá lánmhuínn againn as an idirghuí a dhéanann siad go buan os do chomhair. An íobairt seo a thugann sinn chun athmhuintearais leat, go dté sí chun siochána agus chun slánaithe don domhan uile, impimid ort, a Thiarna.

Neartaigh d’Eaglais, ar a hoilithreacht ar talamh, i gcreideamh agus i gcarthanacht mar aon le do sheirbhiseach, ár bPâpa Eoin Pól, lenâr nEaspag Eoin agus na heaspaig agus leis an gcléir uile, agus leis an bpobal uile atá roghnaithe agat. Tabhair aird go ceansa ar mhianta an teaghlaigh atá anseo i do láthair de réir do thola féin.

Lord, may this sacrifice, which has made our peace with you, advance the peace and salvation of all the world.


Strengthen in faith and love your pilgrim Church on earth; your servant Pope John Paul, our Bishop John., and all the bishops, with the clergy and the entire people your son has gained for you.

Athair na trócaire, ceangail leat féin do chlann uile, cibé áit a bhfuil siad scaipthe. Lig isteach go geanúil i do ríocht ár muintir atá marbh agus gach duine atá imithe as an saol seo faoi do ghnaoí. Is é ár ndóchas go mbeimidne ina gcuideachta siúd, ionas go mbainfimid aoibhneas as do ghlóir, i dteannta a chéile go deo, trí Chríost an dTiarna trína mbronnann tú gach maitheas ar an saol.

Welcome into your kingdom, our departed bothers and sisters and all who have left this world in your friendship. Father, hear the prayers of the family you have gathered here before you.In mercy and love unite all your children whereever they may be. We hope to enjoy forever the vision of your glory, through Christ Our Lord, from whom all good things come.

Is trid, agus leis, agus ann a thugtar gach onóir agus glóir duitse, a Dhia an tAthair, uilechumh-achtach, mar aon leis an Spiorad Naomh, trí shaol na saol. Ámén.

Through him, with him, in him, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, all glory and honor is yours, almighty Father, for ever and ever. Amen.

Ár nAthair -- Our Father

Ár nAthair atá ar neamh,
go naofar d'ainm
Go dtaga do ríocht
Go ndéantar do thoil
ar an talamh mar a dhéantar ar neamh.
ár n-arán laethúil tabhair dúinn inniu
Agus maith dúinn ár bhfiacha
Mar a mhaithimidne ár bhféichiúnaithe féin
Agus ná lig sinn i gcathú
ach saor sinn ó olc. ámén.

Sagart: Saor sinn ó gach olc, impimid ort, a Thiarna. Tabhair dúinn síocháin kebár linn, ionas go mbeimid, le cabhair do thrócaire saor ón bpeaca i gcónai agus slán ón uile bhuairt agus sinn ag súil go lúcháireach le teacht ár Slánaitheora, Íosa Críost.

Pobal: óir is leatsa an ríocht
agus an chumhacht agus an ghlóir
Trí shaol na saol.

Our Father who art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy name
May your kingdom come.
May your will be done.
on the earth as it is done in heaven.
Our daily bread give to us today
and forgive us our debts
As we forgive our own debtors
And lead us us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil.

Priest: Deliver us, Lord, from every evil, and grant us peace in our day. In your mercy keep us free from sin and protect us from all anxiety as we wait in joyful hope for the coming of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

For yours is the kingdom
and the power and the glory
For ever and ever. Amen.

Dove Sagart: Síocháin an Tiarna
libh i gconaí.

Pobal: Agus leat féin.

Sagart: Cuirigi in iúl dá ché go bhfuil siocháin eadraibh

Priest: The peace of the Lord
be with you always..

People: And with yourself.

Priest: Let us offer each other a sign of peace

A Uain Dé, a thógann peacaí an domhain, déan trócaire orainn;
A Uain Dé, a thógann peacaí an domhain, déan trócaire orainn;
A Uain Dé, a thógann peacaí an domhain, tabhair dúinn síocháin.

Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world have mercy on us
Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world have mercy on us
Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world grant us peace

Seo é Uan Dé, seo é an té a thógann peacaí an domhain. Is méanar dóibh siúd a fuair cuireadh chun séire an Uain.

A Thiarna, ní fiú mé go dtiocfá faoi mo dhíon, ach abairse an focal agus leighasfar m’anam.

Sagart: Corp Criost
Pobal: Áméin.

This is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. Happy are we who are called to the supper of the lamb.

Lord I am not worthy to receive you but only say the word and I shall be healed.

Priest: Body of Christ
People: Amen.

An Dúnadh - The Closing Prayers

Sagart: Guímis ..........trí Íosa Críost, ár dTiarna.
Pobal: Áméin.

Priest: Let us pray ....... ... through Jesus Christ,our Lord.
People: Amen

Bringing Christ's message to the world. Sagart: Go mbeannaí Dia uilechumhachtach sibh,
+ Athair, Mac, agus Spioraid Naomh.
Pobal: Áméin.

Sagart: Tá an tAifreann thart.
Imigí faoi shíocháin.

Pobal: Buíochas le Dia.

Priest: May almighty God bless you,
+ Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
People: Amen.

Priest: The mass is ended.
Go in peace.

People: Thanks be to God.

Thanks to Seán Hackett of the County Offaly Historical Society, Ireland who provided the Irish Gaelic text.
Courtesy of Vivian and Jack August 2, 2025
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