Altú roimh Bhia - Grace before Meals

Níl aon tinteán mar do thinteán féin - There's no hearth like your own hearth.

Place mouse arrow on shamrock to reveal phonetics


Beannaigh sinn, a Thiarna,
agus na bronntanais seo uait,
a bhfuilimid le glacadh
ó do rath, trí Chríost ár dTiarna. Amen.


Bless us, O Lord,
and these your gifts
which we are about to receive
from your bounty through
Christ our Lord. Amen.


Benedic, Domine, nos
Et haec tua dona
Quae de tua largitate
sumus sumpturi per Christum,
Dominum nostrum Amen.

An Old Irish Grace

Bail na gcúig arán agus an dá iasc,
A roinn Dia ar an gcúig mhíle duine,
Rath ón Rí a rinne an roinn
Go dtige ar ár gcuid is as ár gcomhroinn.
The blessing of the 5 loaves & 2 fishes
that God shared with the 5000,
the bounty of the King who made the sharing
come upon our food and all who share it.

Another Old Irish Grace

Beannaigh sinne, a Dhia.
Beannaigh ár mbia agus ár ndeoch.
ós tú a cheannaigh sinn go daor
Agus a shaor sinn ó olc,
Mar a thug tú an chuid seo dúinn
Go dtuga tú dúinn ár gcuid den ghlóir shíoraí.
Bless us, O God.
Bless our food and our drink.
Since you redemmed us so dearly
and delivered us from evil,
as you gave us a share in this food
so may you give us a share in eternal life.

* Thanks to Brad Wilson for translating the first grace into Irish and for the text, taken from Saltair, Urnaithe Duchais (Prayers from the Irish Tradtion) collected by Pádraig ÓFiannachta, published 1988 by The Columbia Press.

Courtesy of Jack & Vivian Hennessey, 2025
For phonetics consult the pocket dictionary Fóclóir Póca.
Replay background music: Gary Owen
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