Cáisc -- Easter

Glóir na Cásca - Glory of Easter
This is a fire rainbow - the rarest of all naturally occuring atmospheric
The picture was captured on June 6, 2025 on the Idaho - Washington border.
The event lasted about 1 hour. Clouds have to be cirrus, at least 20,000 feet
in the air, with just the right amount of ice crystals and the
sun has to hit the clouds at precisely 58 degrees.
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AR ÉIS NA SABÓIDE, le láchan an chéad lae den tseachtain, tháinig Máire Mhaigdiléana agus an Mháire eile ag feiceáil na huaimhe.
After the Sabbath,
as the first day of the week was dawning,
Mary Magdalene came with the other Mary to inspect the tomb.
2. Agus bhí maidhm mhór talún ann, mar thuirling aingeal an Tiarna ó neamh agus tháinig ag iomú na cloiche siar agus shuigh sé uirthi.
Suddenly there was a mighty earthquake,
as the angel of the Lord descended from heaven. He came to the stone, rolled it back, and sat on it.
3. Bhí a ghnúis mar a bheadh splanc agus éadach air a bhí chomh bán le sneachta.
In appearance he resembled a flash
of lightning while his garments were as dazzling as snow.
4. Bhí an lucht gardála ar crith le heagla roimhe agus iad mar a bheidís marbh.
The guards grew paralyzed with fear
of him and fell down like dead men.
5. Labhair an t-aingeal leis na mná agus dúirt: "Ná bíodh aon eagla oraibhse, mar tá a fhios agam go bhfuil sibh ag lorg Íosa, an té a céasadh.
Then the angel spoke addressing
the women: " Do not be frightened.
I know you are looking for Jesus
the crucified,
6. Níl sé anseo, mar tá sé éirithe de réir mar a dúirt sé. Tagaigí i leith breathnaigí an áit a raibh sé ina luí.
But he is not here. He has been raised
exactly as he promised.
Come and see the place where he was laid.
7. Agus imígí libh go taa á insint dá dheisceabail go bhfuil sé éirithe ó mhairbh, agus tá sé ag dul romhaibh go dtí an Ghailíl: is ansiúd a fheicfidh sibh é. Sin agaibh mo scéal!"
Then go quickly and tell his disciples:
"He has been raised from the dead and now goes ahead of you to Galilee, where you will see him. That is the message I have for you.
8. D’fhág siad an tuama go taa, agus uamhan agus ardáthas orthu, agus iad ag rith le fios an scéil chun a dheisceabal.
They hurried away from the tomb
half-overjoyed, half-fearful, and ran to carry the good news to his disciples.
9. Agus seo Íosa ag teacht faoina ndéin go ndúirt: "Sé bhur mbeatha!" Dhruid siad ina aice agus rug siad barróg ar a chosa ag umhlú dó.
Suddenly without warning, Jesus stood
before them and said, "Peace!" The women came up and embraced his feet and did him homage.
10. Dúirt Íosa leo ansin: "Ná bíodh eagla oraibh! Imígí, beirigí scéala chun mo bráithre iad a dhul go dtí an Ghailíl, agus feicfidh siad ansiúd mé.
At this Jesus said to them,
"Do not be afraid! Go and carry the news to my brothers that they are to go to Galilee, where they will see me.
Matha 28:1-7 - Matthew 28:1-7
Courtesy of Vivian & Jack, IrishPage.com '05,07, April 2025
Irish version of scripture by An Sagart.
Music: Christ is risen today