Outside the holy well of St. Brigid near the Cliffs of Moher in the Republic of Ireland.
A Thiarna déan trócaire orainn. A Thiarna déan trócaire orainn. |
Lord, have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy on us. |
A Chríost, déan trócaire orainn. A Chríost, déan trócaire orainn. |
Christ, have mercy on us. Christ, have mercy on us. |
A Thiarna, déan trócaire orainn. A Thiarna, déan trócaire orainn. |
Lord, have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy on us. |
A Chríost, éist linn. A Chríost, éist go grástuil linn |
Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously hear us. |
A Dhía, a Athair ar Neamh: Déan trócaire orainn. |
God the Father in Heaven: Have mercy on us. |
A Mhic Dé, a Shlánaitheoir an domhain: Déan trócaire orainn. |
O Son of God, Redeemer of the world: Have mercy on us. |
A Dhía a Spioraid Naomh, Déan trócaire orainn. |
God the Holy Spirit: Have mercy on us. |
A Thríonóid Naofa, aon Día amháin Déan trócaire orainn. |
Holy Trinity, one God, Have mercy on us. |
A Mhuire Naofa, a Bhanríon maighdean: Guí orainn. |
Holy Mary, Queen of virgins: Pray for us. |
A Bhríd Naofa: Guí orainn. |
Saint Brigid: Pray for us. |
A Mhuire na nGael: Guí orainn. |
Mary of the Gael: Pray for us. |
A Bhríd Naofa, a Phátrúin na hÉireann: Guí orainn. |
St. Brigid, Patroness of Ireland: Pray for us. |
A Bhríd Naofa, a Sholais ghil bua is naofacht: Guí orainn. |
St. Brigid, shining light of virtue and sanctity: Pray for us. |
A Bhríd Naofa, ceile Íosa Chríost: Guí orainn. |
St. Brigid, consecrated spouse of Jesus Christ: Pray for us. |
A Bhríd Naofa, a Bhanfhúndúir Chilldara: Guí orainn. |
St. Brigid, foundress of Kildare: Pray for us. |
A Bhríd Naofa, a Cloich Coirnéil forais manachúil in Oileán na Naomh: Guí orainn. |
St. Brigid, cornerstone of the monastic institute in the Isle of Saints: Pray for us. |
A Bhríd Naofa, a Shampla mhor maighdean Gaelacha: Guí orainn. |
St. Brigid, great model of Irish virgins: Pray for us. |
A Bhríd Naofa, a Mhathair na mBan Ríalta: Guí orainn. |
St. Brigid, mother of religious, Pray for us. |
A Bhríd Naofa, a Pátrún foirfeast ríalta: Guí orainn. |
St. Brigid, pattern of religious perfection: Pray for us. |
A Bhríd Naofa, Idirguítheoir ar son an eaglais Gaelach: Guí orainn. |
St. Brigid, intercessor for the Irish Church: Pray for us. |
A Bhríd Naofa, a Bhanidirgabhail ar na daoine Gaelacha Guí orainn. |
St. Brigid, mediatrix for the Irish people: Pray for us. |
A Bhríd Naofa, Banchosantó chreidimh naofa plandaigh ag Naomh Pádraig: Guí orainn. |
St. Brigid, protectress of the holy faith planted by Saint Patrick: Pray for us. |
A Bhríd Naofa, ag baint pléisiúir leis an aisling glán Dé: Guí orainn. |
St. Brigid, enjoying with him the clear vision of God, Pray for us. |
A Bhríd Naofa, cé a bhí a fonn sa saigh na mbocht, cuir as anró, agus spáráil gach fear ainnis: Guí orainn. |
St. Brigid, whose one desire was to satisfy the poor, drive out hardship, and spare every miserable man, Pray for us.
A Uain Dé, a thógann peacaí an domhain: spáráil sinn a Thiarna. |
Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world: Spare us, O Lord. |
A Uain Dé, a thógann peacaí an domhain: Éist go grástúil linn, a Thiarna |
Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world: Graciously hear us, O Lord. |
A Uain Dé, a thógann peacaí an domhain: déan trócaire orainn. |
Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world: Have mercy on us, O Lord. |
A Chríost éist linn. |
Christ, hear us. |
A Chríost éist linn go grástúil. |
Christ, graciously hear us. |
V. Guí orainn, a Naomh Bhríd glórmhar. R. Ionus go mbfiú sinn gealluna Críost fhail. |
V. Pray for us, O glorious Saint Brigid: R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. |
Guímis. a Dhía, a dhéanann gairdeas leis an chuimhne Naomh Bhríd beannaithe, do mhaighdean agus bhanab, go trócarúil deonaigh duinn go cabraimid � a luaiocht, le a geanas soiligh tré Íosa Chríost, do Mhac, ár dTiarna. R. Amen
Let us pray. O God, who rejoices with the memory of the blessed Saint Brigid, your virgin and abbess, mercifully grant that we may be assisted by her merits, by whose chastity we are illumined. Through Jesus Christ, your Son Our Lord. R. Amen.