
Butterflies feeding on nectar.
Butterfly feeding on flowers
Click on each of the blue lines to hear the pronunciation.


Red ant

  • Ant - seangán

  • the ant - an seangán
    T� seang�n i mo cheapaire!
    There is an ant in my sandwich!

    Bee Hive

  • Bee - Beach

  • the Bee an Beach
    T� all�irge orm le beacha.
    I am allergic to bees.

    Butterfly in flight

  • Butterfly - f�ileac�n

  • the butterfly an f�ileac�n
    T� an f�ileac�n gal�nta.
    The butterfly is beautiful


  • Caterpillar - p�ist chab�iste

  • the caterpiller - an ph�ist chab�iste
    T� an ph�ist chab�iste glas.
    The caterpillar is green

    More Insects

    House fly

  • Fly - Cuileog

  • the fly - an chuileog
    T� cuileog ar an ch�ste.
    There is a fly on the cake


  • Ladybug - b��n D�

  • the ladybug - an bh��n D�
    D�eitil an bh��n D� ar shi�l.
    The ladybug flew away.

  • Spider - damh�n alla

  • Spider the spider - an damh�n alla
    D�ith an damh�n alla an chuileog.
    The spider ate the fly.

    A biting insect.

  • Wasp - Foiche

  • "the Wasp - an Fhoiche
    Chuir an Fhoiche goimh ionaim.
    The wasp bit me.


    Praying Mantis. The words, sentences and recorded pronunciation are the property of TalkIrish. The choice of clipart is the work of Special thanks to Michelle Gallen, the founder of TalkIrish for allowing us to use the recordings. We encourage you to visit for a wealth of additional words, pronunciation and learning aids, by Jack and Vivian Hennessey 8/13/11

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